Just saw a tweet I won't RT but completely agree with. If you claim to be mutuals/ have no problem with someone, you should engage ethically with their tweets that you don't agree with without exposing them to abuse/ harassment in the name of challenging them.
Sometimes when I want to challenge something someone has said and they are people I am generally mutuals/ friendly or chatty with here, esp another feminist, I've learned to engage them directly in their DMs as opposed to aggressively coming at them/ going back & forth on the TL
For several reasons, one being its easier to have a real conversation when eyes are removed and the ego is no longer engaged with the need to perform for followers/ not look stupid/ wrong. I've had many fantastic conversations and learned a lot using this approach.
And even when we don't agree, it is not vicious or abusive. Just more a firm agreement to disagree or even disengage from each other. I just find it sneaky how people quote tweet you and expose to a torrent of abuse while pretending its about anything but that.
Whether a feminist's ideas seem too radical or not radical enough, I hope we all learn to do better when engaging with each other. Just remember you didn't always know what you know now, neither are you at the end of your learning journey either.
Nowadays, if anyone wants to QT me just to have a joyride with their followers, I just mute or block and keep it moving.
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