i’m doing a pickle review bc it’s something I enjoy and feel strongly about. i’ll try to keep it consistent (spears, bc spears are the best snacking shape) but some may not fall into the same category and that’s okay. Let’s begin
I think vlasic was everyone’s first pickle, and as a kid I was all for it. I’ve since grown to explore Better Pickles and vlasic is at rock bottom in every scenario. It is yellow with food dye. Tastes ookie and leaves a gross flavor in my mouth.
-5/5 🥒
some how mount olive is just above vlasic. still chemically yellow, but is slightly more tart than vlasic and actually makes me think of puckering. I prefer the MO petite pickles for that reason.
We have finally entered Elevated Pickle Territory (EPT™️). Claussens are my ride or die. Only found in the refrigerated section, these bad boys are deliciously garlicky, sour, and salt foreword. I unapologetically gulp the brine when i’m hungover, nursing me back to life.
These are included in the review because i get carsick, A LOT, and usually we have to stop at a rest area for a cold diet coke, bag of salty chips, and if i’m lucky, these snacking pickles.
Munching on these sour perky bites immediately alleviates any car induced nausea.
These have a cult following. Not cheap. the brine is bottled and sold at whole foods as an electrolyte drink for 6$.I didnt like these at first. they werent salty or garlicky enough despite slivers of dill and garlic floating around.
Theyve grown on me. very sour forward.
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