I find those critiquing Black and brown people about voting Biden very interesting, especially those of us who didn't support Biden.

The time to choose a candidate was the primary, I did my part and aligned with who I thought was best as a progressive. What did you do? (Thread)
America, whether right or wrong, made its decision and Biden is Trump's opponent.

To be fair, I exist with a great deal of privilege, but that's not where I come from so it's not lost on me. But that isn't the case for many of you.
You come online and attack people for not capitulating to what you want, but again, what did you actually do?

Whether it was Bernie, Julian, Warren, whomever -- did you do all you could to make sure Biden wasn't the nominee?

If not, you really should check yourself.
I want the same things you want. Defunding our police and military, free college, universal healthcare, etc.

I busted my ass to get those things -- we lost. But for those of us who actually feel the wrath of white supremacy, the stakes are too high to simply sit this out.
Not enough people showed up for Warren, Bernie, Castro, or any of the other candidates... Biden won.

So now what? You’re going to just take your ball and go home while people are dying?

Trump is the worst equipped person in America to be president, especially during COVID.
Trump is counting on folks to be so privileged that they feel his presidency is inconsequential while he destroys the planet, our rights, and any plans to save people.
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