So today I was just chilling outside, lost in thoughts, when I saw a bird fly past me and I thought. "It must be nice to be able to fly." Then I watched as it flapped it's wings and I thought to myself,
"But nahh, knowing how lazy I am, I'd prolly get tired of flapping my wings and fall. Still, it seems chill." I imagined life as a bird, I thought to myself how ideal it would be. But then I thought further into it and realized I get bored easily.
Soon enough I'd want to be something else. Which made me think. What if I was a god? And I could do anything I wanted. I could be anything I wanted whenever and live however without having to worry about anything.
I thought a few years into it and damn, I must say, that would be boring. What would be the point of living. I mean would I even be living? Life without consequence? where's the thrill in that. I wondered how God, if he exists, copes.
I mean just existing for millions of years watching over us day in day out. Tuff. I'd hate to be that guy. I would genuinely have lost it and dipped on all of you. Or maybe He has. Maybe. But then again, maybe gods lack emotions. That would definitely be a plus.
But still, so if they lack emotions then that also means I wouldn't be able to feel the zeal of being a god so I guess I'm back to square one.

*Sighs* life is meaningless.
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