It's time to talk about a serious harassment and bullying the #sangcheng shipper community within the #mdzs fandom are facing for the last few months.

Lets talk about tomie, tomie is a #chengxian and #ChengYao shipper, and as much as there is nothing wrong in my eyes with that
These ships are as most mdzs ships, not canon.

And as people who know me and how I support any ship there is and that people should do as they like with fictional characters there are a few things I do not approve

I do not approve of bullying and harassment.
The individual tomie has not only been stalking and harrasing #sangcheng shippers, when tomie has been blocked by the people who they harassed, time and time again used hidden accounts to go past the block to mock them, and when their main harssment account had been deleted
They pulled out another account they created and kept in the dark, tagged people they harassed before just to keep bullying them and started all over again.

They use slurs and words that are extremely offensive for many communities.
They use these words to insult #sangcheng shippers:

-animals they deem disgusting

And have displayed


This should not be a tolareted behaviour.

No one in any fandom should agree to this abuse for only liking a ship.
I've added screenshots people have sent me of the harassment, and these few screenshots are only a tiny part of what people are going through for a long while now.

How can you help? Please rt, qrt and share this thread anywhere you can.
A few things extra you can do to help both yourself and to reduce the interaction with this individual:

1. Block. When you block their current main account you reduce the amount of content of them YOU are exposed to (as I said, they go behind the block)

2. Report (if u can)
3. Talk about this kind of behaviour and don't let people you know act in abusive and toxic ways for people liking a ship they dislike

Remember, a good community in fandom comes with not letting toxic behaviour continue and acting in solidarity and compassion with the community
In addition, it seems that @Twitter and @TwitterSupport DO NOT take seriously the fact that a trans person had been subjected to harassment for their identity in this screenshot that tomie shared of a message they recived from twitter and that reflects on this platform greatly.
@caspheart dmed me some more screenshots of the harassment they recived from tomie in ao3

Warnings: sexual orientation harassment, lesbophobia
And some more:
In addition, tomie has a tumblr account, here's some highlights

Warning: fatphobia, more of the words I warned about in the thread:
And an addition to some more awful behaviour

Warning: more transphobia and if I am reading correctly, death wish?
And another addition to the thread
You can follow @not_h8.
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