I'll say it again, Jess Dempsey of @DOTSrpg . It is in very poor taste to weaponize a cause. It also weakens the cause.

Your #brailledice is in itself very cool but if you think #ttrpg #dnd DMs need to be "educated" on how to read a braille dice half way across a game table...
The best part, Jess Dempsey of @DOTSrpg. The moment you release a #dice that 'is' readable in the above mentioned circumstances is when you acknowledge that at least upon some level I was ultimately right, even though you weren't at the time capable of acknowledging it.
Jess Dempsey of @DOTSrpg. You laughably deem yourself fit to speak of what constitutes as good looks (and #discrimination, while we're at it).

And yet you, admittedly faster than I had predicted, chose to block me on twitter before you could hazard me replying to you directly.
Jess Dempsey of @DOTSrpg. Here is a small challenge. Copy and paste the entirety of the facebook conversation that got me banned from that group you claim I'm not welcome upon. It shouldn't be hard. YOU'RE NOT BANNED.

Then we can TRULY discuss our failings, both yours & mine.
You can follow @JamesCauchi.
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