9 Strategies For learning New skills

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I have been jumping into a lot of Business & trying to expand my current ones

In order to do that I might require a lot of skills like

-Web Design
-Video Editing

I ended up reading an article that tells you the formula for learning new skills,this is how it goes
1) Ditch Your Learning Style/

Learning styles (visual, auditory) have actually little impact on our ability to learn.

Using multiple sources will help you with this.

Don't stick to books alone gather relevant videos, podcasts, movies, and blogs as well.
2) Find Meaning In Learning/

If you try to force yourself to just memorize random facts, you’re likely to forget them.

You will most likely remember only the information that was meaningful to you, that you’ve been able to connect to your lives and experiences.
3) Learn by Doing/

You learn best when you perform the tasks you’re trying to learn.

No matter how good your grades were at college, most of your learning takes place once you enter the workplace and start applying what you've learned
4) Study the Greats, and then Practice/

While studying the greats is essential, it is more of a passive exercise.

In order to gain from it, you need to apply that learning to your own work as well
5) Teach What You Learn/

One of the more surprising ways you can learn a new skill is to teach it to someone else.

When we learn with the intention to teach, we break the material down into simple, understandable chunks for ourselves.
6) Practicing Things You Find Difficult/

Practice in itself is great, but if you’re practicing things you know well, you’re doing it wrong.

In order to excel at any skill, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and practice things you aren't good at.
7) Take Frequent Breaks/

It's important to let your brain relax for a while after a particularly intense session of study or practice

Use the Pomodoro Technique

You work on a project for 25 minutes and then give
Yourself a 5-minute break
8) Test Yourself/

Testing even beats out methods such as re-reading and reviewing notes when it comes to making sure your learning sticks.

Testing shows you how well you can use what you've learned.

After all, that is the ultimate goal of learning.
9) Be Curious/

Nothing stimulates learning quite alike curiosity.

Take the lead of your learning journey.

Seek answers from many sources.

Don’t merely memorize theories and techniques question them at every step.

Think about why they matter, why they're relevant.
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