Here's the thread abt all 9f the stupid shit my politics teacher said today:
First he said that the Russian revolution wasn't a marxist revolution because Marx said that a revolution can only happen when a country has fully industrialized via capitalism and is matured 1/????
Obvs this is a huge misunderstanding I'm material conditions because capital to an extent did exist in feudal Russia but I digress. Saying otherwise is utter nonsense. He also said that the vanguard didn't represent the proleteriat at all+said that the proles didn't exist in 2/??
In feudal Russia which.....ok luv😒 then he started talking about democratic centralisim and said that it was 1. Undemocratic 2. Not real socialism which like ok sir material conditions? And lastly said that the Politburo made all of the decisions without consulting the ppl 3/???
He then said that orthox communism was strictly defined by Stalin and Lenin and that it wasn't even actual communism because they were just both bourgies??? 4/???
And then he starts talking about Stalin. Ahhh this one was painful😭 he said an I quote "Stalin was one of histories bad guys, he actually killed MORE people than Hitler"🙃🙃🙃 5/???
Then he said that Stalin created Stalinism and completely abandoned socialism and created the Stalinist economy??? And said that there wasn't any common ownership and that everything was controlled by the state......6/???
Then he said that Stalin's Russia was.......wait for it......a totalitarian society and that apparently no one was allowed to criticise him or even mention capitalism or else the NKVD would send you to the gualg😐 7/???
He said that the gulags was full to the brim with political prisoners and that Stalin was mass murderer dictator and killed anyone who crossed him even for little things😒 8/???
Lastly he saud that every time Stalin finished speaking everyone in the Politburo would have to clap and that the last person to stop would be executed? So sometimes they would clap for over an hour....sounds....beliveble and totally not like CIA propaganda☺ 10/10

End thread❤
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