(THREAD) I have something I can add to this important thread by Jake Tapper. In researching Proof of Corruption I learned that no action was taken on the coronavirus in January 2020 because everyone was afraid to talk to Trump about COVID-19. Read on for why this is relevant now. https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1313844663162466304
1/ Trump had been briefed on the seriousness of the coronavirus in the first 72 hours of January—maybe before, also, but certainly in those first 72 hours. He knew the coronavirus was serious but spent all January avoiding talking about it with anyone. Efforts to raise it failed.
2/ This is nearly identical to what happened in November 2019—when United States military intelligence tried to brief the White House multiple times about the coronavirus but the intelligence was "rejected." The only person with the authority to reject the intelligence was Trump.
3/ It was one of the mysteries I tried to track down for Proof of Corruption. Why was the intelligence rejected? Why was no one able to raise the issue of the coronavirus for most of January? Why was it all so strangely difficult? There had to be a clearer answer than we had.
4/ What I learned was an echo of what I had learned about U.S. intel products in researching the other Proof books: that Trump responds so negatively to news he doesn't like—typically blaming the messenger—that his aides stopped bringing him such news in order to keep their jobs.
5/ Kellyanne Conway is one White House aide who was known for doing this, but there were others. The upshot: Trump created an information ecosystem in the White House where he only heard information that confirmed what he wanted to think and feel. Everything else was disallowed.
6/ Importantly, with very few exceptions, like occasionally his chief of staff (Kelly), no one ever attempted, in a serious and systemic way, to pierce this bubble. That means that there were "no-go" topics on major issues involving national security that *stayed* no-go topics.
7/ This brings me to Tapper's thread. An implicit question he asks is whether Trump's aides—including his doctor lackey, Conley—had enough courage to *regularly* bring up a topic with their boss *he didn't want to think about* (COVID-19) and insist on him being routinely tested.
8/ The answer, from my research, is a resounding "no." Trump has never wanted to talk to anyone about the coronavirus, throughout the pandemic. There's no way he wanted to be tested regularly, and no way established White House culture would've let his aides pester him about it.
9/ My point: I'm convinced, from my research, that we'll discover that Donald Trump has *very* rarely been tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It happened on two or three occasions, perhaps, when the media needed to be satiated, but we should assume he has been tested hardly at all.
10/ Media can and should keep asking, "When was his last negative test?" But they must also understand the reason they're unlikely to ever get an honest answer to that question, or maybe even any answer at all: because it's possible Trump hadn't been tested for many *many* weeks.
CONCLUSION/ Trump has patterns, and I believe this mystery will end with a pattern emerging again. I believe the administration let this man interact with hundreds and hundreds of innocent people while hardly ever testing him for a deadly virus. I think the truth will horrify us.
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