1/5 Crime Report identified 263 registered physicians, convicted and imprisoned on charges brought by the DEA DIVERSION UNIT between 2003 and 2017. All cases were mainly related to opioid prescriptions...
2/5 Well over 3,000 physicians have been forced to surrender their licenses by the DEA between 2011 to 2015. In less than 4 years all these physicians were compelled to give up their practices leaving 10s of 1000s of acute and chronic pain patients in the lurch without treatment.
3/5 Since 2015 another 5 years down the road, it is uncertain how many more physicians have been arrested or had to surrendered their licenses ...But some believe it can be as much as an additional 4000 physicians, now unable to treat their patients.
4/5 CPPs without access to licit opioid prescriptions, they turn to illicit narcotics on the streets. The consequences of doing so have been sketchy, but we all know ODs have been on the rise again. Sadly documented reports on CPPs suicides are now over 500 due to forced tapper.
5/5 Pain Doctors are WRONGLY being targeted by the DEA...cause of the DEA ineptitude and failing policies on solving the illicit drug trade. The CPP community believe physicians have become “SCAPEGOATS” in the illicit War on Drugs. Nightly News propaganda serves the DEAs purpose.
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