okay look. Hasidim and antiblackness in NYC go together like tyra and self aggrandizement.
nobody deserves police violence. but if you look at the thread I just shared, you may see why so many Black New Yorkers lack any kind of fucks here.
they have their own patrols and ambulances and shit.
there was an attack on a Black queer person by one of those patrols, maybe 3 years ago. the attackers were spirited away to avoid prosecution.
there’s a history a MILE long.
Black New Yorkers looking askance and any and everything Hasidim do ≠ default antisemitism. IME, the initial avoidance of Hasidim is a survival tactic based on Brooklyn being full of sundown neighborhoods. it’s not always Brighton Beach.
one of those neighborhood patrols almost killed Taj Patterson.
the absorption of white jews into american whiteness has a lot to do with the way this shit works. and they know it. we all do. I urge anyone who has questions to look up the history of crown heights, Brooklyn. look up the attack on Taj Patterson.
it’s not as cut and dry as “fuck them because they’re Jews.” not for me, anyway. more like, “why bring up Black people when the NYPD turned hoses on y’all just this summer?”
as many as 20 men, shomrim or otherwise, attacked that young man. they broke his eye socket. ask Black New Yorkers about the history.
no hyperbole: a lot of Hasidic communities in NYC have whole self contained outbreaks of communicable diseases. this situation poses an incredible threat to the rest of the city. everyone should gather differently than before. but the rules never really applied to NYC Hasidim.
never did. probably never will. the carceral state will turn on them as needed. but they also rely on that carcerality as justification for the shit they do to anyone who is not white.
they don’t call the police unless they really feel the need.
the shomrim has parallels to roaming bands of white men with bats in BK’s sundown neighborhoods.
with that in mind, being Black and having a Hasidic property owner turn you down or ask for a bigger deposit is STANDARD. someone who’d beat you for being in their pocket of Williamsburg taxing you for being Black and needing a home.
trying to handle this as delicately as I can as an NYC transplant. the dynamics are replicated in other places, of course. NYC is my go-to example because I’ve lived it.
I don’t think anyone deserves state violence. I know for a fact that everyone doesn’t experience it the same way. it’s all informed by antiblackness.
like, that man in the video said wild ass shit to diblasio’s wife! what the hell does she have to do with any of this?
it’s frustrating because there are so many points at which white supremacy has harmed us all, while plenty folks go right for that whiteness because it’s valuable social cache in an antiblack world.
do you know how exhausting it is, especially if you grew up hearing about YHWH leading the Israelites out of Egypt? if Black American xtianity (of any denomination) is your tradition, part of your faith is shaped around the exodus! it’s a mindfuck, but that whiteness is powerful.
whiteness is one hell of a drug.
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