✉ If you feel an intense attraction to the imagery and spirit of angels.
You're an avid daydreamer. The kind that easily gets lost in fantasies as if they were reality. You could've even experienced moments where you couldn't tell the difference between what was "real" and what was "imagined".

Through daydreams, you're able to access the most
exciting, endearing, and explosive moments in a way that's safe, composed, and private. At any moment of the day, you're somewhere far away.

This causes you to come across (at first glance) as dreamy, flighty, and ethereal, but for the people in your life, you seem distant and
otherwise uninterested. Your dreaminess continues to create a wedge not only in your relationships with others, but in your relationship with yourself.

The more you dream and fantasize of a life where you're someone different, in a different environment, doing different things,
the more you ignore who you are now, where you are today, and the responsibilities you're meant to engage with in this reality.

The truth about it all is that you're afraid of the consequences that come with living a bold life. You could very well be the person you imagine you
are, but you lack the courage to let yourself blow wild.

This is why Spirit is coming to you today. You're being asked to be present. To incorporate your most sensational dreams into your reality.

You can do whatever you want in this life, the same as you can in your head,
the difference is that when you're experiencing a moment of pure thrill and exhilaration in REAL life, you can FEEL it, you can TASTE it, you can CAPTURE it. It's really yours, not just a figment of your sharp imagination.

Muster up the courage to live your dream life and watch
as everything around you begins to sparkle with magic.
Stay safe, dream big, become the creator of your freedom. 🧿✹

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