Yesterday, while I was doing a mental health check-in with some students after we met to talk science, a student asked about the chances of there being civil unrest in the US as a result of the election. 1/4
Beyond political concerns, I share this as it made me think more deeply about mental health & my work expectations & mentoring around the US election. I don’t think we should expect of our students & ourselves ‘business as usual (the COVID version)’ bf & during early Nov. 2/4
Students were already struggling & now are worried even more, no matter their politics, as are we. Some things I am planning to do proactively are: check-in’s with students, colleagues & friends, and reduce expectations of work during & after early Nov.....3/4
Including moving class due dates & deadlines (which likely means doing that for several weeks+ this year). Look forward to hearing additional ideas you have of how we can *constructively* support students (and ourselves) through this time. 4/4
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