Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra characters in Hogwarts and Ilvermorny Houses: A Thread
DISCLAIMER!!! This thread is for fun and not meant to start arguments!!! I did do research & consulted multiple other fans for these placements, but you’re allowed to have different opinions!!!
ALSO!!! There is very little canonical information on the Ilvermorny Houses, so I had to use fan interpretations for them, thus they may not be very accurate. Regardless, please enjoy the thread :)
AANG - Hufflepuff and Pukwudgie!!!
Reasoning: Aang fits every single trait for Hufflepuff- he is diligent, dedicated, fair, kind, patient, tolerant, modest and loyal. As for Pukwudgie, he fits this description perfectly.
KATARA - Hufflepuff and Pukwudgie!!
Reasoning: Katara is complicated because she perfectly fits both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. However, she is most defined by her compassion & dedication to do what’s right, which places her in Hufflepuff. As for Pukwudgie, she’s a healer who will defend those she loves.
SOKKA - Ravenclaw and Wampus
Reasoning: Sokka fits every single Ravenclaw trait. He’s intelligent, wise, witty, creative, original, sharp, individual & accepting. As for Wampus, he’s a warrior who is defined by his actions.
TOPH - Slytherin and Wampus
Reasoning: Toph encompasses every single Slytherin trait- she’s a resourceful, ambitious, cunning, determined & self-preserving leader who has lineage & fraternity. As for Wampus, she’s a warrior who is defined by her body and actions.
ZUKO - Slytherin and Thunderbird
Reasoning: Zuko is complicated & can fit into any house. However, he most fits Slytherin- he’s a resourceful, ambitious, clever, determined leader w/ fraternity & lineage- & defined by his ambition & determination. As for Thunderbird, he’s defined by his choices & experiences
SUKI - Gryffindor and Wampus
Reasoning: Suki encompasses every Gryffindor trait. She’s courageous, brave, determined, daring, chivalrous and has nerve. She’s a warrior who’s defined by her actions.
MAI - Gryffindor and Wampus
Reasoning: Mai fits the majority of the Gryffindor traits- courage, bravery, determination, daring and nerve. She’s a warrior who is heavily defined by her actions and words.
AZULA - Slytherin and Wampus
Reasoning: Azula fits every almost every Slytherin trait- she’s a resourceful, ambitious, clever, cunning, determined leader with lineage. She’s a warrior who is defined by her actions & who leads by example.
TY LEE - Hufflepuff and Thunderbird
Reasoning: Ty Lee encompasses many Hufflepuff traits, most notably fairness, patience, dedication, kindness & loyalty. She’s an adventurer who is defined by her soul & defies expectations.
IROH - Ravenclaw and Pukwudgie
Reasoning: Iroh encompasses every Ravenclaw trait- he’s intelligent, witty, wise, creative, original, individual, sharp & accepting. He uses his talents & abilities to defend others
KORRA - Gryffindor and Thunderbird
REASONING: Korra has ever Gryffindor trait. She’s courageous, brave, determined, daring, chivalrous & has a lot of nerve. As for Thunderbird, she’s a tumultuous adventurer who defies all expectations.
ASAMI - Ravenclaw and Horned Serpent
REASONING: It’s no secret that Asami is intelligent. She has most of the Ravenclaw traits: intelligence, originality, individuality, creativity, sharpness & acceptance. she’s a scholar who’s defined by what she knows, & she’s an idealist who uses her knowledge in many areas.
MAKO - Slytherin and Wampus
REASONING: Mako has many of the Slytherin traits- he’s resourceful, ambitious, determined and clever. He’s a warrior who’s defined by his actions and speaks his mind.
BOLIN - Hufflepuff and Pukwudgie
REASONING: Bolin has practically every Hufflepuff trait; he’s diligent, dedicated, fair, kind, tolerant, modest & loyal. He forms deep connections and dedicates himself to defending others.
TENZIN - Hufflepuff and Pukwudgie
REASONING: Tenzin has most of the Hufflepuff traits- he is diligent, dedicated, fair, kind, tolerant, modest and loyal. He has a big heart and dedicates himself to defending his people- as seen when he refused to stop fighting when his nation was in danger.
LIN - Gryffindor and Thunderbird
REASONING: Lin has every Gryffindor trait- she’s courageous, determined, brave, daring, chivalrous & has a lot of nerve. shes defined by her choices, & she’s a tumultuous person who defies all expectations & breaks boundaries.
JINORA - Ravenclaw and Horned Serpent
REASONING: Jinora is easily all mind. She has most of the Ravenclaw traits- intelligence, wisdom, originality, sharpness, individuality and acceptance. she’s a scholar who’s defined by what she knows, and uses her knowledge in many areas.
IKKI - Ravenclaw and Thunderbird
REASONING: Ikki has multiple ravenclaw traits- intelligence, wisdom, creativity and acceptance. as for thunderbird, she’s an adventurer who’s defined by her experiences and choices.
MEELO - Hufflepuff and Wampus
REASONING: Meelo has quite a few Hufflepuff traits- dedication, kindness, loyalty and diligence. as for wampus, he’s defined by his actions & words & tends to speak his mind.
OPAL - Hufflepuff and Pukwudgie
REASONING: Opal is kind, diligent, tolerant, modest and loyal- all hufflepuff traits. she forms deep connections and defends her people with ferocity.
SUYIN - Ravenclaw and Wampus
REASONING: Suyin embodies almost every ravenclaw trait- intelligence, originality, creativity, individuality, wisdom, sharpness & acceptance. she’s proven that she’s a warrior & designer who leads by example & speaks her mind.
BUMI - Gryffindor and Wampus
REASONING: Bumi has almost every Gryffindor trait- he’s courageous, brave, determined, daring, and has a lot of nerve. he’s a warrior who leads by example & is defined by his actions.
KYA - Hufflepuff and Pukwudgie
REASONING: Kya fits almost every Hufflepuff trait there is- she’s diligent, fair, patient, dedicated, kind, tolerant & loyal. she’s known as one of the world’s greatest healers, & she protects her loved ones with any means necessary
KAI - Gryffindor and Thunderbird
REASONING: Kai fits every Gryffindor trait: he’s courageous, brave, daring, chivalrous, determined & has nerve. He’s a traveler who defies expectations and is quite a tumultuous person.
PEMA - Hufflepuff and Pukwudgie
REASONING: Pema is, above all, a very kind, loyal, patient & dedicated woman. she’s tolerant, diligent and quite fair. she dedicated herself entirely to the Air Nation & protects her children & others to the best of her ability.
VARRICK - Slytherin and Wampus
REASONING: Varrick is practically the definition of a slytherin. he’s resourceful, clever, ambitious, cunning, determined, self-preserving & a leader. he’s an experimenter who leads by example & speaks his mind
ZHU LI - Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie
REASONING: this might initially be surprising, but Zhu Li is mainly defined by her loyalty, dedication & kindness- all Hufflepuff traits. she’s also tolerant, diligent & patient, & as seen in the comics, defends her people with ferocity & uses her talents to protect others
WU - Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie
REASONING: Wu has many of the Hufflepuff traits- he’s kind, loyal, tolerant & dedicated. he’s fiercely dedicated to protecting his people and those he loves- willing enough to give himself up just so his citizens aren’t harmed.
KUVIRA - Slytherin and Wampus
REASONING: Kuvira embodies practically every Slytherin trait- she’s clever, resourceful, ambitious, cunning, determined & a leader who leads by example. she’s also quite the warrior, as seen multiple times in season 4.
ZAHEER - Slytherin and Horned Serpent
REASONING: Zaheer fits many of the Slytherin traits- he’s determined, ambitious, cunning, clever & a leader. he’s a scholar who’s defined by his mind & always seeks knowledge.
REMINDER - This thread was purely for fun!!! While I consulted multiple avatar fans to make this thread as accurate as possible, you can interpret them as whatever you want! i just wanted to research & sort them as accurately as i could. i hope you enjoyed this thread 😁
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