It is in fact possible to argue and campaign for increased mental health support, education, & guidance for ALL children and teens, instead of further restricting their access to these things in the name of "protecting" them.

The first strategy helps them.

The latter punishes.
When children are told that they must either tick every box to get ANY help with gender dysphoria related feelings, what do you think will happen?

As opposed to if they had increased access to mental health support, education, and therapy alongside every other child?
Forcing children to either commit 100% to transitioning or receive no further help is precisely what WILL lead to an increase in kids being pressured into making choices they may later regret.

Not pressured by trans people.

Pressured by anti-trans activists.
The same activists who routinely mock and degrade those who do put their transition on pause or decide their issues lay elsewhere.

Arguing and suing to reduce support for children and teens is abhorrent.

Where are the campaigns for accessible mental healthcare for all?
Because such a campaign would benefit trans kids, questioning kids, cis kids, abused kids, bullied kids, mentally unwell kids, neurodiverse kids, marginalised kids, bullying kids, EVERY KID.

I'm still waiting for these "protectors of children" to make a start on that 😐
tw: self-harm

This Saturday is #WorldMentalHealthDay

The UK has the highest self-harm rate in Europe.

The most at risk group are girls and women aged 16-24.

50% never tell their doctor.

Where is the feminist campaign for these girls and women??
20% of children and teens in the UK have mental health issues.

50% of all mental illnesses are established by age 14, and 75% by age 24.

70% of kids with mental health issues receive no support.

Those who do, often receive no therapy or ongoing support.

Where is the outrage?
Because I can see a LOT to be angry about when it comes to the severe lack of help, support, education, and therapy when it comes to children and teens.

A whole lot of direct HARM.

And yet none of these self-proclaimed crusaders for children's safety give a single shit.
So no. I don't buy that the goal is to protect children because it clearly isn't the focus at all.

If the worry was genuinely that children may feel pressured into early choices in order to gain any form of support, the solution is obviously to increase all support.
Not just for the sake of trans and questioning kids, but for ALL kids and society as a whole.

THAT would be where compassionate concerns would take you.

Not to making everything increasingly worse for everyone.

ETA - if the Tavistock defense truly put forward the argument that because "many" 12 year olds have sex, they therefore have an "understanding of sex" (implying consent)

it's at least an excellent reminder that these institutions should NOT be raised above criticism. At all.
As I hope this thread highlights, binary thinking of all or nothing is precisely what hurts children, all children, the most.

The argument should only ever be for MORE therapy, support, guidance, and time.

Not that one solution is always right or moral.
Because a belief that the answer to a child's issues can ONLY be one thing or another, and NEVER anything else, is precisely what anti-trans activists have been arguing.

Children don't know everything, and to suggest they do is DEEPLY troubling.

Increase support. Period.
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