People are still taking a bar exam today (and next week, hey, Florida!), but there are a lot of feelings after taking the bar exam, so here is a thread on what to expect.
You will feel like you failed at some point. This is totally normal.
You will not be as relieved to be done as you thought you would be. Now you are equally as stressed and anxious about getting your results. This is normal.
You will be more exhausted than you have ever felt, but you still might have trouble sleeping. This is normal.
You will suddenly remember something you did not write on an essay and start freaking the fork out. This is normal.
You will still have dreams that you are studying for the exam. This is normal.
You will feel a strange emptiness or nagging feeling that you should be doing something but you can't figure out what it is. This is normal.
You will suddenly flip out because you are afraid you made some kind of technical error (not "bubbling" in all answers on MBE). You didn't make any mistakes like this, but the feeling is totally normal.
You might find yourself having strange mood swings. Hysterical laughing fits, crying jags, wanting to punch walls, etc. This is normal.
You will start seeing/hearing other takers bragging about how easy it was for them, how much they realize now that they TOTALLY overstudied, and how they should never have worried. These people are lying. And that is normal.
Your friends and colleagues will start spiraling and getting depressed over their performance. This is normal, but do not ignore them! Check in on people, especially now, give your support and listen to them and give them space to feel what they need to feel without judgment.
You might feel depressed and unmotivated. This is normal, but you should seek out help if you are unable to get your head above water as the days progress.
The 2020 bar exam was a nightmare. All of your feelings are valid and normal. Ask for help if you need it. Offer help if you can. We have your back!
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