The fact that some people will unleash all of their ire on a trans artist for drawing a cartoon dog stealing pens, without stopping to question all the other pieces of media they enjoy that shows and glorifies characters doing far worse, is very telling
I am not even remotely of the belief that a piece of media is bad because a character does something bad, dgmw. but y'all could do well to stop being such massive pathetic hypocrites
it gives me the impression that it's less about your moral standards and more about your ingrained knee-jerk reaction of wanting to protect capital and ostracize "subversives"

we all get a little of that brainwashing living in a capitalist society but you're supposed to fight it
because if this were really about your moral standards you would apply them consistently
the message wasn't even, "stealing is good and you should do it", it just depicts a character stealing and doesnt add, "LOOK AT HOW BAD/GOOD THIS IS". Could argue its inadvertently glorifying, but hell, lots of mainstream media outright glorifies murder, where's the ire for that?
I think that people in this world have been made so powerless, atomized, and rightfully angry that nowadays the way outrage is directed is less about what is deserved, and more about who is reachable and can be made to incur consequences (to the detriment of marginalized people)
I wonder if the folks up in arms about this comic would be equally up in arms about the glorification of white-collar theft/ financial crime that can be found in innumerable popular pieces of media, like The Wolf of Wall Street
seems kinda like a double standard to get mad when media depicts a poor person stealing but not get mad when media depicts a rich person stealing
Or hell, not even "poor", just "not rich"
double-standards about media aside, I cant condone shoplifting frivolous items just for fun, no matter how big the store. the real wrongdoing is that the store punishes employees for things they didn't do & can't control. giving them more reason to do that is a bit of a dick move
I worked retail for years and was never reprimanded in relation to shoplifting, but my experience isn't representative, I was at a small store. I've heard that Walmart employees get their bonuses cut proportionate to the amount of shrink their store incurs (can someone confirm?)
It's not that you're the monster for stealing from walmart, it's that walmart is the monster for defraying the cost of your action onto their lowest paid employees, and the monster is holding all of us hostage
Most of the time you just plain don't know whether employees are going to be negatively affected or not. depends on the store. that should enter into your considerations
but yeah I will continue to be irked that twitter has turned out a whole entire angry mob over a cartoon dog shoplifting, but doesnt give two shits about all the white collar crimes that are highly normalized and even glorified in popular media
just wanted to clarify my stance on shoplifting itself, even though it wasnt within the intended purview of this thread, because people love to make assumptions about what I believe based on incomplete information
I shouldnt grump about it, we all end up making assumptions that turn out untrue sometimes, whether we mean to or not. So sometimes you just gotta clarify. Because twitter was designed for jumping to conclusions
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