Norse Mythology
In Norse mythology, Loki is famously known as the god of mischief, and his reputation only rivals that of Odin and Thor. Loki played numerous pranks on the gods of Asgard and was often punished for them, but he received his greatest punishment right before Ragnorak
Loki had planned to kill Baldur, the god of justice and light. Baldur(image below) was the son of Odin and Frigg and he was loved by everyone in Asgard, asides Loki of course. The only weakness Baldur had was mistletoe, and Loki knew of this.
Loki found a mistletoe and moulded it into an arrow. He then gave that arrow to the blind and innocent god Hodr. Hodr, guided by Loki, shot the arrow at Baldur and he died on the spot.
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The gods knew Loki was behind the death of Baldur and decided to capture him and make him pay for his deeds. Loki ran far away from Asgard and built a house for himself in the mountains.
This house had four doors which allowed Loki see whoever was coming his way
During the day, Loki would shape shift into a Salmon fish and hide in the water Franangursfors. At night he would shape shift back to his normal self, sit at a fire place, and weave the net he used in catching his food.
From his high throne, Odin saw where Loki was hiding and he
immediately gathered the gods to go capture Loki. Loki saw them coming, threw his net into the fire, and shape shifted into a salmon once again. When the gods saw the burned net, they realized what Loki had done. With the left over twine, they wove a net of their own and tried
to catch the Salmon but it would always escape. It was until the Salmon made a bold step to swim into the sea that Thor was able to catch it by its tail while it was in mid air.
Back to his normal form, Loki was taken to a cave and the gods brought in his two sons (Vali and Nari)
Vali was turned into a wolf and he immediately killed his brother Nari. The entails(intenstines) of Nari were used to bound Loki to a rock. Skadi, a giant and a goddess, placed a serpent above Loki so its poisonous venom would drip onto the face of Loki.
His faithful wife Siguna stayed by his side, holding a bowl over his head and collecting the snake's venom. When the bowl was filled, she would turn away to dispose of it and in that short time, the venom would drip onto Loki's face causing him to shake violently. His shaking was
said to be the cause of earthquakes in Midgard.
There in the cave was where Loki and Siguna stayed, with Loki serving out his punishment until the days of Ragnorak where he would break the chains and assist the giants in destroying the cosmos
End of thread
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