Unpopular Opinion: N is criminally underrated in and outside the stan world. In the Ot5 group, you guys (not all) sabotage him and not only that you guys legit send hate to him and also to the N'iall Nation.
It's not fair. Literally. I am really glad that the Ot5 stans grouped together and streamed Pillowtalk and Walls and Watermelon Sugar. I as an OT5 support all of them and stream all of their music and most importantly RESPECT them and their fans. I have said this many times and +
I am going to say it again. You are not an OT5 if you don't stan the original five ppl from the band. Not 1 or 3. FIVE. But if you feel like you don't want to support please don't call yourself an OT5. Please. And please for god sake don't hate on them and their fans. I beg you.
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