Keir Starmer and the Trilateral Commission: A thread

One of the reasons I do not trust Keir Starmer is his membership to the Trilateral Commission. My knowledge on this is base, so bear with me

The TC was started in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzesinski, - c
Incorporating both businessmen and politicians from primarily the US, W. Europe and Japan.

Generally called a "Rich Boys Club," the commission is still a place with a low female membership, and has included prominent members such as Jimmy Carter, George Bush and Bill Clinton - c
It includes members from AT&T, Mobil Oil, Chase Manhattan Bank, General Electric, Pepsi, Nissan, Fuji Bank, Goldman Sachs as well as a host of other banks and corporations

The proposed premise of the TC has always been described as a "discussion group, " - c
yet I find this hard to believe. Politicians and corporations cannot have a group such as this without utilising it to promote their own intentions.

I refuse to believe that a politician can be a part of this and truly be unbiased to their influence.

The TC is said to - c
protect the interest of big business and banks, which we all know do not have the interests of the average working man at heart.

Considering that the TC is only supposed to be a discussion group, Barack Obama quickly appointed twelve of its members to top level jobs in his - c

I cannot believe that these people could leave their biases behind when they entered the roles.

Starmer joined the TC in only April 2019, out of 650 mps, he was the only one actually invited to the gang.

Since then we have seen Starmer turn from his - c
more progressive and left leaning policies and we have seen a sharp decline in political support for the working class and their rights.

I don't think this is a coincidence.

Alongside this, another prominent member over the TC was Jeffrey Epstein, another reason to -c
mistrust them.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that this "discussion group" is definitely not something I would like the leader of a political party to be a part of.

I don't believe that big business and politics should mix as when people come before politics, that is -c
when people lose. When the government is run by those who rub shoulders with corporate elites, they lose their sense of what they're meant to uphold.

The Trilateral Commission is pegged to be the implementers of the New World Order

And I don't trust Starmer for this reason
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