What is Trump?
He’s the culmination of decades of oligarchic power.
Decades in which billionaires became the motive force of politics.
Dethroning Trump in November is crucial. But the bigger task is dethroning the system that made him possible.
We can’t expect Biden to do this. His sole political virtue (an important one) is that he’s not Trump. We need to see a grassroots revolution in the Democratic Party, that brings people like @AOC and @CoriBush to the fore, overthrows the power of money and puts the people first.
Ultimately, the aims should include overturning Citizens United, banning major donations, stamping out dark money, regulating Facebook and turning the US, for the first time in its history, into a functioning democracy, where every adult has a vote and every vote has equal weight
This means the legislated end of all voter suppression and roll purging. It means that Senate constituencies should be equalised by population. It means the replacement of the electoral college system with proportional representation. It means breaking the two-party stranglehold.
These reforms would not only end plutocracy, they would also end the hegemony of old white men, creating a political system that looks and sounds like the people it is supposed to represent.
This is the grand challenge the US faces. Trump is the symptom, not the virus. The virus is money.

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