Message for that part of The Internet that's lambasting "white people" for opening the 50-odd coffins found at Saqqara. Now, I would never deny the colonialist heritage of egyptology nor belittle current issues, but listen:

Lambast white people where we should be lambasted, like the scientists responsible for the unforgivable ethic clusterfuck that was the voice box reconstruction "research". But before you white-people egyptologists, better check if they're actually white, yeah?
I get it, I get it. Egyptologists are just modern graverobbers and we're really cool to hate because we dig up all the """cursed""" artefacts & personally make your 2020 a living hell, but I would absolutely LOVE for the internet to realise that Egyptian egyptologists EXIST.
Like. There's more Egyptians than just Zahi Hawass, okay?

This goes DOUBLE for white people yelling about this. Stop erasing the efforts of POC scientists through your ignorance.
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