1. I wouldn't normally wade into an argument like this @greta, but you of all people are not in the position to judge anyone on rudeness when you and your husband John Coale are members of a dangerous cult (Scientology) which destroys people's lives. https://twitter.com/greta/status/1313489095973318663
2. You and your husband have donated large amounts of money to Scientology @greta (as is required by COS). When I've asked friends we have in common whether you are still a member they say they don't know. Scientology is a criminal org and a cult which masquerades as a religion.
3. Scientology bankrupts people and rips families apart. It fills people's heads with pseudoscience and drives them away from critical medical treatment. You know this @Greta. You want to talk about rude? How about how people are chased by Scientology when they want to leave
4. How about how members of the sea org have to hide in car trunks in order to escape Scientology, @Greta? You want to talk about rude, you and John Funded David Miscavige's reign of terror where he physically beat anyone who disagreed with him.
5. Something tells me that you and John are no longer active with the COS @greta. If that's true you need to say it and disavow Scientology. I realize if you have walked away from COS that you likely agreed to keep your mouth shut and went through hours and hours of auditing
6. But don't sit here on Twitter @Greta and judge people on whether they're rude or not when you helped to fund one of the most dangerous and evil cults. You know what they do to people, I know you know. And I also realize due to the years of auditing you and John went through
7. That Scientology knows many of your secrets. I don't care what they know, you have a responsibility to call them out and share what you know so people who aren't as wealthy as you and John can be liberated from COS.

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