Thread: weird medieval depictions of God creating Eve.

First up: Eve looking like a novelty balloon.

(Morgan Library, MS m766, f. 022v) #MedievalTwitter
This is part of the set of medieval illustrations that really emphasize that Eve was a rib.

(Morgan Library, MS m338, f. 040v)
I've tweeted this one before, but it's too good not to share again.

(Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, MS III B 10, f. 2r)
Here's another one, and a link to a great zine of Eve depictions by @MxComan
Even God looks a little shocked at Eve in this one. Another Rib-Eve.

(Morgan Library, MS m43, f. 007r
This one makes it look like Rib-Eve just decided to come out on her own.

(Morgan Library, MS m440, f. 033v)
Then there's the subset where Eve comes out but she's sort of a little spirit or balloon.

(Morgan Library, MS m140, f. 003v)
I love this one, because Adam looks super embarrassed.

(Morgan Library, MS m769, f. 009r)
Is she a rib? A balloon? Some sort of creepy spirit?

(BnF, MS Français 168, f. 1)
Two more balloon-Eves.

(Morgan Library, MS m268, f. 002v; MS M.302, f. 1r)
Then there's the "Eve just coming out fully formed" variety.

(Schaffhausen, Stadtbibliothek - Ministerialbibliothek, Min. 6 – Biblia sacra - f. 2r)
This is all a bit Alien-esque.

(Morgan, MS m117, f. 174v)
She is just *climbing* out of him.

(Morgan Library, MS m287, f. 035r)
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