With a flurry of exciting competitions around, today's #WednesdayWritingTips are about:
When On Earth Do I Click 'Send'?
It's probably fair to say that a lot of the time, writers don't ever feel their work is ready to be sent out. But assuming 'it'll never be ready' isn't an option, what can you do to maximise your chances of success?
1) Don't send a first draft. Sometimes we finish the first draft - it's the best thing in the world! It's sometimes tempting to send it off straight away, e.g. to a crit group or agent, etc.. But wait...
2) The 2-3 Weeks Thing
Let the work cool down. Give it 2-3 weeks when you don't even look at it. Coming back fresh helps you spot places which don't work as well as you thought they did, in the passion of Draft 1.
Factor this time into submission schedules.
3) Share your text
Getting feedback is very helpful. We usually know what we're trying to say, but is it clear to someone else? Crit groups, honest writing buddies and professional feedback can be extremely helpful. However...
4) Be Mindful of Oversharing
I've met many writers left muddled and confused with a muddled and confused story after trying to incorporate feedback from too many people.
If you're starting to feel it's your story anymore, maybe don't click send just yet.
5) Editing the edited edit
We can fiddle with text forever, but the time comes when you look at the words & see/feel/think nothing. You're blank. This usually means the text should have gone already. I usually do a draft. Edit. Edit again. Final look. Send.
6) You're in the game
Often confidence holds us back. What if it gets rejected? Or what if it isn't? (Sometimes the thought of that can be more scary!) Sometimes it's imposter syndrome: who am I to submit this? But if you're submitting, you're in the game.
7) Not the end of the world
Send what you consider to be your best version (and be mindful that sometimes people won't look at rewrites), but remember writing is a world of secondchance. We rarely hit get it perfect first time.
And that is perfectly ok.
8) Strength to strength
Because people understand writing/voice takes time to develop.Don't be dismayed by 'overnight debut writer in 6 figure deal' stories. Your writing will strengthen over time. Give it a try. It may be what someone's looking for.
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