Saying #IStandWithKeiraBell is giving support to a test case that seeks to overturn "Gillick competence" - the principle that a young person old enough to understand medical treatment can consent to it, even if their parents don't approve.
If Gillick competence is overturned, young people will be unable to access any medical treatment without their parents approval. The consequences are too dreadful to consider.
Teenagers will be forced to stay pregnant against their will, if their parents are anti-abortion. They will be unable to access contraception or vaccines or a blood transfusion if parents disapprove.
Young people's right to consent to treatment is a whole lot more than the right to transition, but also transition is primarily a social process & not a medical one.
Irish people have very recent memories of young lives lost to forced pregnancy. TERFs will not be gaining a lot of new recruits here with campaigns against bodily autonomy. ✊
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