After much thought, I've decided to post this whole thing again.

This is my little corner of the internet.

My little corner of Twitter.

There is the rest of the internet, and Twitter, to play in.

You don't need to be here, or even following me.
I'm still incredibly interactive with my followers, considering that there are over 60,000 of you and only one of me.

Unfortunately, I'm still having to block folks for the same, old reasons:

Unsolicited advice.

Disapprove of my humor and insist on telling me.
Acting as if you are more to me than some rando on the internet.

Otherwise thinking that I owe you something and must change what I'm doing or you'll leave.

I have these rules to preserve myself from all of you.
Instant fame is not fun and if you want me to continue what I'm doing, please respect these rules.

I do this, everyday, for free.

This is my house.

These are my rules.

Leave now, if you object.

I've already lost 21,000 followers.

I can keep going.
You can follow @Tazerface16.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled: