TW // suicide self harm

I like how when ppl make suicidal posts or talk about wanting to hurt themselves there’s always some Asshole going “they’re just doing it for attention” like yeah? No shit, FUCKING GIVE IT TO THEM?!
call me a decent human being, but if I see someone suffering the first thing I’m going to do is try and help them and make them feel loved, not gate-keep whether or not their feelings are valid
so many ppl don’t ask for help because they’re afraid ppl will say they’re faking it
Bc at the end of the day, whether or not they’re actually suicidal is almost besides the point. They’re clearly a person who desperately needs help, and if you’re first instinct is anything other than “how can I help?” then I’m sorry, you’re an asshole
I’m sorry, I’m just tired of seeing ppl be afraid to ask for help bc whenever they do, ppl say they’re faking it.
Like gdi someone shouldn’t have to actually try and kill themselves for you to take them seriously and be a decent person to them
I’m it asking you to be their shrink, I’m asking you to just be there for ppl.
We’ve all got our own problems, but we gotta learn how to put them on hold to help others every now and again bc that’s how humans survive. Empathy: learn it.
well this thread has a lot of typos đź’€
but sure y’all get what I’m saying.
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