Return to campus was always going to be one of the biggest challenges of this pandemic.

When we wrote to the Department for the Economy through the summer asking what guidance they were releasing for universities they told us that the institutions were making their own plans.
As soon as students arrived it became clear why this was a bad idea.

No one had thought about what would happen for students in private rentals. No one had thought about students going home at the weekend. No one had thought about supporting students who were self isolation.
We wrote to the Health Minister and Economy Minister on 11 September seeking urgent clarity, particularly on HMOs and weekend travel.

We’ve still received no information. Students are being ignored.
In the meantime a Covid Enforcement Group has been set up including the Chief Medical Officer, Health Department, Junior Minister, Universities and PSNI.

No student reps have been included on the group despite the significance of the decisions being made around students' lives.
On Friday 25 September we met with Michelle O'Neill where, as she outlines above, we emphasised the need for a more strategic approach going forward, clear communication for students and for students to be included in all decision making.

But so far we haven't seen any changes.
We are tired.

Student officers across NI are tired.

They are doing incredible work everyday to try and support the students on their campuses.
But while our culture shuts students out, ignores them and undervalues their voice they will always be fighting an up hill battle.

Students desperately need urgent support and government attention.
You can follow @NUS_USI.
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