Hey everyone, remember lootboxes in gaming? You know, the thing that's pretty much universally considered predatory gambling, has even resulted in various legislation around the world and has a bad enough rap that western publishers act very carefully on the subject as of late?
Meanwhile, eastern publishers are engaging in the exact same predatory lootbox practices on a regular basis, but everybody chill because we don't call it lootboxes, we call it gacha!

But gacha is literally the same predatory lootbox gambling. There's no damn difference.
Rather than "gacha games", we should use the term lootbox games. It's what they are and what they deserve to be called.

And don't forget that lootbox games are basically always live service games too, which means they're destined to be killed sooner or later, with no refunds.
This rant sponsored by Genshin Impact, the neat looking single player game that I can't in good conscience install because of its extremely invasive always online DRM, because gotta protect the integrity of our predatory lootbox gambling business model!

Lootboxes ruin everything
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