its weird when one of these things happens, I don't know @Spawnlol , I don't know @Swip3rR . But I am hurting a lot right now, for other people. People I don't know but its half my twitter feed, my thursday and friday afternoons, an entire day in October when im in melbourne
the esports scenes are like traditional sports, its within reach. its intimate and its inclusive, it makes people feel included and listened to and appreciated from behind a screen. especially the OPL, it was always small enough to just feel like mates enjoying themselves
my best mate played some bombers academy games, one of my mates played for sudden fear, one of the OPL finals i had a couple bevs with legacy academy - and i was just a spectator, someone who watched as a fan, but this little gathering in sudio in Pyrmont was this whole world
when i worked at the fish market in sydney i used to walk past riot omw to the pub with the big rugby ball, it was so affirming - like in the most aussie way it didnt ever feel larger than life, these poeple were just like you and me, no celebrity but they were doing this and it
was amazing. not like in singapore - like when youd go to the garena cyberdome and it was like big almost self serving thing and ti was built up to feel larger than life and all that shit, but their casting team could never stack up with the opl
as i said it was just real people, you dont get it from anything else. tuning in and feeling like youre just having bants with your mates
anyway this thread is making me so much more upset, i feel like this will get fixed, and if it doesnt im doing a fucking petition or something i dont know
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