Just bringing this back bc I'm legit tired of how "expose" threads spread through the fandom like wildfire and yet those who take the time to look into something and THINK are disregarded. + https://twitter.com/e_von7/status/1168357966849798145
I'm not telling anyone who to follow. If you don't vibe with someone, you don't vibe with them. Block/mute and move on. But the bullying and harassment is.......legitimately disgusting. +
It's the ways so many of y'all bought into the narrative started by a 15 year old with 25k+ followers who took screenshots out of context and ran with it...bolstered by solo stans and toxic shippers. You don't have to like an account. No one is forcing anyone here. But ffs THINK.
You know what's funny.......the ways y'all defend accts like btsch*rtdata and the like b/c they don't specifically call out solo BS like Bora does. Like I GUARANTEE YOU that if they did, you'd see the same kind of backlash Bora gets. +
Not only are big accts afraid to call out the hate they get from solo stans......but accounts that follow Bora (big accounts and small alike) will literally stay silent for fear of being attacked by solos and mantis.

Honestly, idc anymore. Y'all NEED to speak up.
B/c you don't realize that when one account goes down, they look to the next to target. Literally, I'm TIRED of the fear that solos and mantis have woven into the fandom. You have much more people behind you than you know.....
...and I'm tired of solos and by proxy toxic multis taking down our fanbases and translators. I'm just fucking TIRED of it.

ffs fanbases and translators are PEOPLE; they won't always be perfect, but block them if they bother you and give them the benefit of the doubt maybe?
And ffs STOP labelling people in such elementary terms of "anti" when you don't even F*CKNG KNOW what that actually means. Don't be fooled by those trying to co-opt the term for their own selfish (solo) means.
Accts that seek to actively take down B*S and the members are antis. Someone like H**dliner/PinkR*mantics is an anti. Someone making an honest mistake, who has done their level best as a working professional contributing to fandom in their free time, is NOT an anti.
Anyways, don't be a person that would drown someone b/c the village locals said they "were a witch." Don't be a sheep.

I really don't care who you choose to follow, mute, block. But ffs grow a brain and stop blindly falling into the "hype" narrative on stan twitter so easily.
You can follow @e_von7.
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