Lol the more I think about how the dirty feral asian woman is written in #theboys up to episode 5 the more annoyed I feel about it.
First off why isn't she speaking???? Already irritating me something fierce by having her wordless as if Lady Deathstrike wasn't a terrible xman char in the movies.
Second off the white guy assumes she must super miss being in Asia.... Her mannerisms feel American to me lol are you sure she's an immigrant??? Stop assuming we're all immigrants
I could tell from her mannerisms but sure enough, she is not an immigrant.
Back to my first point but Kimiko's powers are basically Lady Deathstrike without the retractable nails đŸ˜© how extremely uncreative!
Also back to my second point but white people should atop trying to write immigrants of color if yall are going to be obsessed about how we must super miss "home". It's been done to death and it's racist because it implies that yall think that we think we don't belong in the US.
As if it isn't already super unhealthy that we have to reconsider if the US is where we should be every day and every week, for the rest of our lives. We don't need reminders to think about "well what if I never immigrated" it's mentally damaging af.
The mix n match of her history of how she was smuggled into the US is weird. Shoulda been all her Asians doing that, and not random viet men here, a korean nail lady there, like PICK AN ASIA AND DEVELOP THAT. Not cool to just throw us all in like some sort of Salad.
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