Well, I have slept on it, had a cup of coffee, thought a bit more about it and I still can't quite get my head around this: the Prime Minister has just explicitly attacked the rule of law, in a scripted speech.
Forget for a moment that he tars all barristers and solicitors in the CJS with the same brush: those who only prosecute, those who only defend, the majority, who do both.
Forget for a moment that these are people, people that he is deliberately putting in harm's way by painting a target on their backs (we, unlike him, have seen and noticed the rise in "racially-aggravated" offending since Brexit began)
By making any group a target in this way, we have seen that he enables the knuckle-draggers
He has, after reflection (by his speechwriters if not by him,) decided to attack our criminal justice system.

He's attacking the rule of law, the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial.

Bumbling, chaotic & insincere as he may appear, this is weapons-grade stuff.
I can bring to mind nothing remotely as damaging as this in my near 50 years on this planet.

And his supporters were undoubtedly clapping away at their laptops, gurning and dribbling in delight at another cracking point made by the PM.
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