Much of photography these days has been hijacked by self-important and pretentious people who use flowery language to justify images which are bland and instantly forgettable. If you have to write an impenetrable essay to justify a photograph then that photo is worthless. A good
photo should leap off the page and scream “look at me!” It shouldn’t need an explanation and should stand on its own merits in silence. These same people are the ones who set themselves up as authorities on other people’s work when they add no creative value themselves. I see
them as parasites sucking the joy and lifeblood out of photography while giving nothing back. Often their own photography is bland which may provide a clue as to their motives. If all you are doing is constantly criticising the work of others, their words, their pictures, their
subjects then what possible value are you to the profession? It never ceases to amaze me how many people listen to these trolls and seem to hang on their words. If your primary purpose in photography is to attack and criticise then you are a negative influence and should be
ignored. Stop listening to these people they are turning photography into a very horrible place. Look for inspiration instead at photographers who actually take memorable and impactful photographs and add meaning and value through that. Being a loud mouth is easy, good
photography is hard. Those who can take good photos, those who can’t gripe from the sidelines. People need to take a side and stop listening to these people and amplifying their negativity.
Basically if someone has a big gob and an academic qualification but their own photography sucks then ignore them, they are in no position to lecture or judge anyone and their views are most likely coloured by envy, bitterness and a desire for self-aggrandisement.
A number of people on here have set themselves up as the moral authorities on photography, attacking and criticising both established photographers and emerging talent, their agencies and their support networks. I am totally disengaging from all of that. Add some constructive
value or go away. Period.
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