there is sooo much twitter discourse yall. if we can’t respect a diversity of tactics we will get nowhere.

- marches with speeches and DAs have different goals (controversial take: this does not mean DAs cannot have speeches, but it cannot be the only thing)
- this movement ...
... needs to be accessible. that means slowing down during marches, not unexpectedly hauling ass up hills (ie, plan your march route if the action is a march, and then notify folks of the route)
- caption your videos (auto doesn’t count) and alt text your photos (all of them)
- everyone needs to do some self reflection. how are you handling criticism? are you getting defensive for no reason? are you criticizing/questioning Black leadership more than white leadership?
- you don’t have to like everyone’s leadership technique, you DO need to show them...
- anti racism is the core of this movement, start acting like it. (this means self reflect, read, engage in hard conversations, learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable. DAs are not enough antiracist work, though they are important)
so yall, PLEASE start treating each other with kindness instead of tearing each other down. start stepping up and educating instead of stepping back and judging.
start practicing what your preaching: which is (supposedly) extending kindness and care and support to those around u
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