Seems I've annoyed a few people by criticising the STUC's stance on #indyref2. Well I'm pretty annoyed too, to be told that rather than assess the likely impact of independence on members' lives they are just basing this position on opinion polling. Since when is that how the >
> Labour movement decides its policy? 55% of Scots think the death penalty should be brought back for murder. Will we see the STUC endorse that position too? Of course not. The retreat behind opinion polling is an excuse. It's also emblematic of so many organisations of the >
> Scottish (and UK) left which have chosen to pretend the issue of #indyref2 is just a good way to demonstrate opposition to the Tories. Where is the critical analysis? Where is the consideration of the damaging economic and social impacts of independence on which we were all >
> so clear in 2014 and which have only got worse since? Disappeared in a puff of "But Brexit is bad/Boris is awful" smoke? Scots deserve better from their Labour movement. They deserve to be told the truth, that independence isn't an escape route back to EU membership, and that >
> it would bring its own, massively damaging economic impact as the reality of hard borders and currencies bite. We need to be fighting the forces of nationalism in Scotland as hard as we are fighting them in Westminster. The Scottish Labour movement is asleep at the wheel, >
> abdicating responsibility to opinion polling rather than standing up for its principles and defending its members' interests. And no, I damn well won't shut up about it.
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