I grew up in a white suburb. My dad commuted three hours every day of his life just so us kids could grow up in a town safe from black crime and black dysfunction. Despite that, black kids from 50 miles away still showed up to break into our neighborhood. So yeah we had a gun. https://twitter.com/hornyphilosophr/status/1308572193920446464
Black people love to make fun of the suburbs, but they're the reason they exist. Do you think white people *enjoy* spending 1/4 of our waking hours commuting every day?

We do it because *we have to*, because blacks make raising a family anywhere near a city impossible.
I once had a friend tell me about the "black tax". It's not a literal tax. Rather, it's all the small, daily ways that your peace of mind is impacted by having to live around black people.

It's a crackhead suddenly screaming on the train. A kid blasting music with no headphones.
It's a bunch of black girls screaming and pushing each other in public. It's a black guy catcalling you. It's a black teenager facetiming at full volume in public. It's a black homeless guy calling you a cracker.

We tolerate near constant disruptions to our peace.
I visited Germany for the first time a few years ago, and the thing that struck me most was how *quiet* it was. I kept waiting for some random black guy to start yelling, but it never happened. It was just...calm. I could relax in a way that I simply could never do in America.
We got back to America, and as we got off at the train station there were a bunch of black kids screaming at each other, and a homeless guy begging for money. My wife looked at me. We didn't have to say anything. It was obvious what we were both thinking. We're back.
The point I'm getting at here is that black people aren't just a safety risk that forces us to move hours away. They are a source of constant agitation and disruption in our lives that we've all just kind of been taught to pretend doesn't exist. In fact, they lecture *us*.
And that's not even getting into schools. School integration was the single biggest social failure in this nation's history. How many thousands of public school districts have fallen apart as a result? And it hasn't' even benefitted black academic performance.
White southern segregationists have become a punchline. Yet every one of their worst fears about their public schools literally did come true. Public schools across the south--and much of the whole nation--have completely fallen apart. White kids have no choice but to go private.
If you're a white kid who lives literally anywhere in or near a major metropolitan area, you *cannot* go to public school if you want even a mediocre education. You are forced to cough up tens of thousands to go private, and they *still* bring black kids in on scholarship.
To sum up, it's obvious our current arrangement is not working. The constant disruptions to our lives, our safety, and our children's education are so far beyond what any person living in a developed country should ever reasonably expect.
The solution is peaceful separation. We can't bear to live around them, and they obviously don't want to live near us either--as they make very clear when asked.

It's time we go our our own ways. This has been a failed 400 year experiment, and it's time to end it. /thread
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