1) Mr. Keyhoe, I truly appreciate your insights and hope you are fair minded. I understand your frustration with my statements regarding "coverup", but please understand I gave up career because others in the Gvt were not willing to have the conversation. Either by neglect or...
2) ...fear, either way, the information was suppressed. Whether implicitly or explicitly, the refusal to do your lawful duty, in my opinion, is abandonment. Whether someone is explicit or complicit in the act, I still feel those parties are part of the coverup, if not pat of...
3) the solution. I truly respect your opinion, and maybe one day history will judge me as having some responsibility of that same coverup. Maybe I could have come out sooner? maybe I could have said more? the list of possibilities is endless. And, if that is the case, I accept...
4) that as my fate. However, please know that I truly tried my best to work within the system, and it was only when that system failed, did I decide to come forward. I say this because I believe all opinions matter and the fact you voiced your opinion about my involvement...
5) ...in a coverup, I sincerely hope that folks know it was never intentional and it was only after I failed within the system did I decide to go outside it. Thank you sincerely for your position and I mean that most heartfelt. I am very fortunate yo are pat of our humble group..
6) ...and know that your opinion is valued. Thank you and have a blessed eveing.
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