I know nobody wants to hear this but yanno how they say birth control makes you depressed well it’s the truth and I definitely think all your emotions might come flooding back if you quit it... but if you haven’t had emotions since age 16... be careful cause this shits HARD
So ask yourself... do you *actually* wanna be not-depressed? If yes make sure you remember why you’re doing the work to heal. It’s not gonna get magically better it might even be as hard as being depressed at first. Feeling suppressed emotions ain’t for the weak but you can do it
I used to be such a “hbc makes everyone depressed and it’s evil” type of bitch. But truth is each path has pros and cons (hormonal or non). I just wish we talked more about both. Informed is best. Neither is easy or “better”. Just do what you (+ your doc) think is better for you.
This thread is directed at all the hippies that are like “natural is best! Synthetic hormones are bad for you!” ... instead I think being fully informed is best. “Bad for you” is so relative and doesn’t really mean anything at all.
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