A thread for those concerned about who the #EndofLifeChoice #referendum applies to for #votenz #nzpol . People with disabilities were originally included in the draft bill under the "grievous and irremediable medical condition" clause but that was removed based on public feedback
and parties like the Greens saying we only support it for terminal illness. The Act now states for absolute clarity that no one is eligible for disability, mental illness and advanced age reasons alone.
I get that people don't have enough access to support services, patchy access to specialist palliative care in some rural places (keeping in mind most PC is provided by GPs) and I will always advocate for better access
BUT, and this is the crux of it, denying dying people a choice over how and when they die is not going to change those inequities or make that worse. Overseas, where it's become legal, palliative care improves and more people die in their place of choice
because conversations about the end of life increase and improve. Also we see funding increases alongside the legislation. 90% of people who die by assisted dying are already accessing palliative care because it's not an either or! It's both and because they're complementary.
Assisted dying is for the few dying people for whom palliative care is ineffective to reduce their suffering. Nobody else. It's not enough to just have six months left to live, you ALSO have to be suffering unbearably, in an advanced state of irreversible decline, competent etc
There are tonnes of safeguards to prevent any person who doesn't really want this to be prevented from making a decision that don't really want to. Two doctors involved (second one independent of first and patient) in assessing person's wish is free, informed and enduring.
Dr need to inform of all treatment options including palliative care (if they're not already accessing), person has to be asked at every stage if they want to proceed so consent is an ongoing process - that's better than any independent lay witness who doesn't know about coercion
The fear uncertainty and doubt campaign is slick! don't be fooled - the Act has been through public consultation, parliamentary council office, the attorney general, and all of the parliament three times plus over 100 supplementary order papers. Vote yes for those who need this.
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