While Democrats might be celebrating Trump's fading in the polls and seeming self-undermining behavior, there are an array of signs that he and his Republican co-conspirators have unconventional plans in store. Remember, respecting norms mean nothing to today's Republican Party.
I believe the key lies within Article II, Section I of the Constitution. This deals with the role of the Electoral College. Trump knows he is going to massively lose the popular vote and may well take a beating in the Electoral Vote. So what is a fading candidate to do?
1. Cater to whatever base you've got. This means getting Amy Coney Barrett seated before the Election. This explains why he told McConnell to forget about cutting a stimulus deal and to go all in on her ratification by the Senate. Seems bad but 100% aiming at his base. Period.
2. Generate fear and mistrust of voting in all forms. This means casting doubt upon mail-ins. Tacitly or overtly sending groups to intimate voters at the polls. Getting Republican Governors and legislatures to make in-person voting and drop-off ballots as difficult as possible.
3. Create so much fear, particularly in swing states with Republican legislatures, to cause the public to believe voting has been tainted and, therefore, providing air cover for the States Legislatures to award electoral votes to Trump, without regard to the actual vote.
4. This will, of course, cause a litany of litigation, eventually being dumped at the feet of the Supreme Court. And guess what - with RBG dead and ACB in her place, that 6-3 margin coupled with precedent from the 1892 and 2000 Elections means the election could be stolen.
Imagine a world where Biden wins the popular vote by, say 10M votes, "wins" the Electoral College but "loses" the election as determined by States Legislatures aided and abetted by the Supreme Court. So we'd have a sitting President NOT elected by the will of the people.
This is what happens when norms are thrown out the window and the singular goal is to win, not protect the democracy which our Founders had in mind. I am not looking forward to this eventuality being played out in real life.
So bottom line, throw out what you've seen in any previous election and think outside-the-box to really get a grip on what's happening here. If you ever thought States races didn't matter, they do. A lot. There isn't a Federal Presidential Election; there are 50 States Elections.
The big take away: VOTE. VOTE. VOTE. Do not be deterred, do not be bullied and make it count. Have a plan. If Biden wins either of FL or TX, and wins the states he should win, the likely success of the gambit I've outlined goes way, way down. #VOTE
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