Yesterday, I woke up and felt tired and shitty. Not proud of how I’d been showing up for myself. I took a day. I meditated. I noticed the fear I was feeling. I noticed the unhappiness. I noticed some soreness.

I did yoga. I stopped in the middle to get up and repot a plant. 1/
It felt so urgent. I have two plants that had outgrown their pots. I picked one and decided to move it to a larger planter. I made a huge mess. Dirt EVERYWHERE. Parts of the plant broke off. Leaves fell off. It was scary. But there was no room for it grow where it was. 2/
I am scared I killed it by moving it. But I thought it deserved the chance to grow.

I planted seeds in another planter recently and I realized that I don’t expect it to grow over night but I don’t always have that patience with myself. 3/
I’d had a hectic few days prior and I’d made some deliberate choices that it was okay to eat a bit unhealthy or not exercise for those couple days.

But I found myself reflexively engaging with people who don’t make me feel good. And I wasn’t good to them either. 4/
As I looked at my habit journal, I realized that for the month of September I’d basically triaged habits that were bringing me joy. I was focused on health but not on things that made me happy.

No wonder I felt like shit! No wonder I wasn’t making great choices in stress! 5/
I decided to make a list of ways I can have more spaciousness as I get busier.

I decided to make a list of ways I can cultivate joy every day. Things I can do without anyone or anything else. I want to know I can make me happy. 6/
I called a friend and I was embarrassed at how I hadn’t been treating myself well. How I’d been letting people who aren’t always nice to me in my life.

She told me I make 80% good choices!

I was like WHOA. That’s not bad. 7/
Anyway, I hope you are showing yourself the care and compassion I know you deserve.

I hope you take a moment to pause and don’t beat yourself up when you fall short.

I hope you cultivate ways of noticing what you need and giving it to yourself.

Sending you all love. 8/8
Also, i feel grounded today.

And there is a lot of abundance of opportunity and good things.

I just needed a day to notice everything is not terrible and help transition the fear into curiosity and exploration.

What a difference one day can make.
Gonna try to a thread of joys
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