I see a lot of people commending R*hanna’s apology & saying this is what accountability looks like. I’ve seen several people on here apologize the exact same way but still got crucified. Likability + desirability politics play a big factor over how/to whom we extend grace.
This isn’t about her by the way so you stans better not try it. I just want folks to examine & realize that the way we extend forgiveness or grace is greatly influenced by likability & desirability politics (colorism & featurism). Many look the other way when it’s their ‘favs’.
And when said favs are conventionally attractive, we tend to look the other way, which puts us at odds with our usual philosophies, because we’ve subconsciously attributed several virtues to their character based on what they look like, their art, and activism.
*muted* Smh https://twitter.com/jordansumbu/status/1313814925521764352
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