People are allowed to remember the harms you committed against them.
People are allowed to confront you even when you'd rather they never hold you accountable.
People are allowed to feel their feelings even after you've decided the beef is over.
Telling someone "I have no issues with anyone else so this is a you problem" is a common form of emotional gaslighting meant to discredit someone else's experience.
Habitual abusers like to use this tactic as it causes the person feeling valid emotions to question their own truths.
Emotional gaslighters, especially those who benefit from patriarchy, are very good at manipulating narratives to paint people they've harmed as irrational, uncultured, less mature, and out of control.

This is a way to avoid accountability.
For many emotional gaslighters, they are simply looking for a way out of the interaction rather than a way in. They want to paint the ppl they harm as essentially fighting with themselves.
Please always remember that speaking out about the harm someone has caused you does not make you aggressive, confrontational, mean, or whatever else emotional gaslighters like to say.

It makes you human and worth protecting.
Emotional gaslighters will have you believe your time is up because you didn't defend yourself soon enough.

But, there is no time limit on loving yourself and knowing your worth.
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