something not enough sapphics know is that comphet is not just a surface level “attraction” like. it feels real, in all forms. physical, romantic, sexual. there’s a reason lesbians will be in long term relationships with men and not realize they’re not attracted to them.
it’s not always this overwhelming disgust with yourself or your partner. it can be dread at a future without women, it can be an absence of happiness. it can be a seemingly perfect relationship but you still feel suffocated.
you can feel sexually attracted to fictional men or celebrities or otherwise completely unobtainable men, but if you never find yourself ever happy with a man or interested in men in your day to day life, how is that real attraction?
that’s why it’s hard esp with social media where this ideal kind of life and ideal people are portrayed constantly bc no one likes showing their ugly side. it’s hard to tell what’s real attraction and what’s attraction to an unreachable ideal.
it’s easy to be attracted to a bts member or actor or even some youtuber bc you don’t actually know them. it’s easy to fantasize about futures with them. but what about how you feel about men you meet irl? are you constantly disappointed? hmmm that’s something to think about
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