okay so i will keep my personal business to myself but i personally have come to my own conclusion about my beliefs, morals, and values. this is something my soul and intuition has been trying to tell me for a minute, but i kept ignoring. each time i ignored, i repeated a cycle.
i no longer believe in the ideology of "twin flames"—this is why. when i first got intrigued about twin flames. i thought it was wild but at the same time the label seem to fit the description of me and someone i was recently connected to. i even bought a book and tried reading—
more information about it to gain more knowledge but honestly, every time i tried to read the book. i got bored or i put the book down. same with links and articles. i remember when i first started my spiritual journey, i watched readings too. (no shame in my game) but i just—
suddenly STOPPED. from my observation, there's been so many different perspectives and theories about what a twin flame is. some connotations were good, some negative. a lot of people make "twin flames" as this couple who is most hated by others but also hate eachother. LOVE is—
the highest frequency along with "enlightenment"—i just don't believe God would bind you to another soul that you have to keep chasing after in this lifetime or other ones. in fact, something meant for you i feel like is something you don't have to chase. i seen others on here—
say that the twin flame dynamics are toxic & i agree because hence the "runner & chaser" dynamic—why are we chasing someone who doesn't want us but the minute we don't want them? they chase us in return? why is it that so many people are attached to their "twin" because of lust?
the attachment to the person, the label, and/or the connection altogether seems to deter people from what's really real and the reality of the purpose it served. a lot of people claim to love their twin but i've noticed that for most it's all just an unhealthy attachment. some—
people don't even love their twins. it's just codependency, or it seems as if their "twin" doesn't love them. people try to make it seem like "karmics" are the reason for separation. i mean maybe but what if you're just separated because of your own traumas, insecurities, etc?
or what if you're just simply NOT MEANT TO BE? people say that with twin flames. their family doesn't like you or your family doesn't like them? but who wouldn't want their significant other's family to like them? i also see a lot of people project on here (i have to before)
about hating, disliking, or just saying rude shit about their twin because the reality is not matching their desires? i feel like the label makes people stay in a connection they know they should walk away from or surrender to because why else are you holding on...besides the—
reason of thinking they're your twin? how they want you but laid up in the bed with somebody else? or married to somebody else? regardless if they're happy with that person or not. they're not with you. why keep getting readings and checking tabs on somebody who not checking for—
you in real life? idk, it's crazy. i just feel like the devil has convinced me and others to stay in a cycle where we've idealized people who didn't show us unconditional love to be our "one". regardless of us being in a simulation, if they're not fucking with you in the 3d.
fuck a 5d. move on. i feel like the "mission" that's supposed to be achieved throughout your journey is hard to reach or make happen because you think your soul is tied to a person who don't really love you. i feel like ALL TYPES of connections can trigger your insecurities—
traumas, and shadow if meant to. i believe the "healthy" version of a what twin flame would be is a divine counterpart. i believe divine counterparts exist, but i'm over twin flames. so i will no longer be offering twin flame services or collective messages.
i will still do love readings but only for soulmates/divine counterparts. but i will be offering more services for self guidance and spiritual healing. i hope you all understand. if you don't agree with my beliefs or my new way of things then that is okay. thank you â˜șïžđŸ’›
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