Sweden: An Update

This must be getting awkward for Spain, France, and the UK locking down again. Sweden is enjoying open schools, open businesses, and no masks.

Current daily death rates compared to Sweden:

Spain 25x
France 10x
United Kingdom 7x

All-cause mortality in Sweden has been normal since late June.

Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten using actual back-dated death dates


And here is the bigger picture with UK, France, and Spain.

And yes... other Nordic countries did better than the Swedes, but that is not proof lockdowns work. It may just be proof the Swedes should have protected their nursing homes better.
But what about population density?!? Remember that while Sweden is big, most people live in a few cities.

Compared to cities of similar density, the Swedes still outperform with no lockdowns or masks.

The truth will not be hidden forever. Get on the right side of history.(4/4)
Many medical professionals have been kept largely silent but the tide is turning.

Just like with any tide, it's too slow to actually see the current changing, but you can see where it is going. https://twitter.com/yinonw/status/1313280801744719872
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