That time again already, innit.


October 7th at 8:00pm/20:00 CDT is the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate.

Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris.

3D-printed WASP vs. idpol prom queen.

I'm live-tweeting it. I could use a cooldown from last week.

Mute this thread now, y'all. 🤢
This debate should--SHOULD--be less awful than last week. Mike Pence has the charisma of a sad priest in chastity, and Kamala Harris has the charisma of that mid-life crisis woman at work who can't stop talking about her high school.

$50 says #VPDebate is the hashtag to be?
Oh right yeah I was supposed to bump this again. ughghlhlkghjlgh.
I don't know if I can do this right now. I'm pretty crushed.
I've gotta though. I committed to it last year. #VPDebate will go on.
Last chance to mute this thread before the #VPdebate . Viewer beware.
You can follow @Kamunt.
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