You know, sometimes humor can be a good way to both cover up pain and to soften poignant messages. And sometimes it can be sharp. Sometimes it needs to be.

Four years ago, even though I opposed Trump, I did not consider him to be a racist. My thinking had changed.
He has revealed himself to be the most racist President since Woodrow Wilson. And his administration has constantly soft peddled on any type of resistance to white supremacists. If anything, he’s sent positive signals to them. And he uses racial intolerance as political fuel.
Racism is a strange thing because some people’s threshold for it is way too high and others’ threshold is way too low.

Some people are dull to the idea of racism because some people are too quick to call everything racist

Other people wouldn’t recognize it if it bit them.
Being racially prejudiced does not necessarily mean that you hate the people you’re prejudiced against. A lot of racists don’t actively hate people.

It’s believing that a group of people are inherently lesser.
There are certainly pictures of Donald Trump hanging out with black folks. But the same was true of Richard Nixon, who was revealed to be deeply racist in his White House tapes. President Nixon even delivered the eulogy for Whitney Young, the Director of the Urban League.
Woodrow Wilson, universally understood to have been deeply racist, campaigned for support from black voters in 1912 and got more support from black voters than any Democrat before him. But he resegregated the federal government and watched Birth Of A Nation in the White House.
Watching him and paying close attention over the past four years, my opinion is firmly settled.

But some people don’t consider someone to be racist unless they’re burning a cross right this minute. And for some folks, not even that would do it.
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